The 2020-2021 School Year

We’ve been waiting for the shoe to fall, the ball to drop.

Districts around Orange County have been releasing their plans about the 2020-2021 school year.  Santa Ana announced, Brea announced…others have announced.  It’s a lot like when we heard districts were closing down back in March.

Anaheim Elementary announced they will start the school year with distance learning indefinitely.  However, it appears that the district will expect daily live lesson, daily student check-ins, and true student accountability.

So it seems like they will allow us to actually use Zoom to meet with our students.  But I wonder if I’ll be allowed to work in my classroom.  I know some of my fellow Westmont teachers don’t want to go back because of the hardship with their young children.  But I would love to get out of my house and into my classroom.  It would help my focus so much, and the change of scenery would do me good.  Maybe making it an option to go in a few certain days a week.


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Filed under classroom, Covid-19, teacher

Student Pick Up

It was our turn today, second and fourth grades.  Monday we bagged up all the students’ materials.  Today (Friday) we brought them down to the parking lot.  Second grade was on the side walk in front of the school parking lot, 4th grade was kitty corner, in the parking lot.

We had an Easy Up, but it was cloudy.  Music was playing, and we just hung out and waited for parents and students to drive up to pick up their things.  I say about 18 parents.

It was fun.  Second grade was gloved up and masked up, but not 4th grade.  We never put on gloves, and only wore masks when we gave the bags of stuff to the parents.

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Filed under Covid-19, Students, teacher


It was an incredible day, proceeded by an incredible day.

Thursday, we had an “emergency, optional” staff meeting.  We were told there would be no more assemblies, no more field trips, no more staff meetings.  No more gatherings larger than class size.  But there was a buzz in the air.  You knew something was up.  I was guessing we would be in school for about 2 more weeks.

Than Friday happened.  Throughout the day 4th grade teachers kept getting emails and watching Facebook posts.  Word spread that other districts were shutting down.  Then somehow, word was spread that we should send the Chromebooks home.  (Yikes!)  The district sent out people to help us cut zip ties on the chargers, and Anne, Ivan, and other school personnel came around to help as well.

Things really were buzzing now.  We tried to keep the students out of the loop for now.  We decided to tell them we were going to let them try taking them home for the weekend.  We thought it would be for a few weeks.  After lunch it was a bit crazy.  I passed out the Chromebooks and wrote down who had which computers.  Then I did a quick lesson so they would know how to email me.  But that’s all.  Then over the intercom the principal came on to tell the kids they were going to take them home for 3 weeks.

The place went crazy.  It was a kid’s dream come true.  I made sure they packed them in their backpacks safely, then walked them out.  It was nuts.  I don’t think anyone was believing what was happening.

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Filed under classroom, Covid-19, Students, teacher

Shauen gave me a not this morning.  I think it was from his dad.  It asked if I could let Shauen use the bathroom when he needs to because his stomach wasn’t feeling too well.  Not a problem.

Shauen did have another problem towards the end of school.  He didn’t like the way Alyssa was talking to him.  That’s a bit typical of Shauen.  If he doesn’t like what you are saying, he has a problem with you.  At least he didn’t wander to the principal’s office.

Alyssa had issues, as well, during math.  Her and Brennen were saying things and bothering each other.  Sure, I could move one of them, but, darn it, they need to learn how to leave each other alone.  When they work together they are really good together!

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Filed under behavior, classroom, Students

Getting Close to Spring Break

BRENNEN was covering his face with his hood, crying and tattling.  At one point he was in tears because someone in his family is in his 70s and wouldn’t see him graduate college.  After recess, he went to the office because he felt sad.

After lunch, he was back in the office.  He was in a fight with Javier V.  Chris saw it and said it was not Brennen’s fault, but the office is handling it (they’ll get to it tomorrow).

SHAUEN told a T.O.S.A. he wanted to go to the office.  He was in tears.  The TOSA sent him back to class, but he never arrived.  I’m guessing he went to the office.  The office later said he was there.  “He was so upset he made himself through up.”

After lunch, I spoke with Shauen.  He claimed He was scared to go back to class.  He claimed that he went to Miss J, then he said he bumped into Mrs. Powell.  But he did say someone in Mrs. Monk’s class was chasing him and saying he was going to kill him.

ALYSSA was tattling on Brennen.  “He’s eating from his backpack.”  The 2 of them were not getting along and trying to get each other in trouble.

Later, Alyssa was standing, putting her crayons back in their box.  I wanted her to sit down, so called her name.  She wouldn’t look at me, she just kept putting her crayons away.  So I repeated myself a few time, each time getting louder.  I made her turn a pin for it, but she acted like she was being picked on.

When I came out after lunch, the male playground supervisor told me she kept on not listening to her.  He said she told her several times to get in line, but she kept not doing as he said.  Alyssa claims he is lying.  She wanted to talk to me about it after lunch, so I had her write it out.

CHRIS was in the office after lunch because he witnessed the “fight” between Javier V. and Brennen.

JAVIER V. was in the office because of the “fight.”  I’m told he will spend remaining recesses in Mrs. Pulliam’s class.

DESTINY wanted to talk to me after lunch as well.  I had her write it out, too.  She was getting into it with AlIYA, ESLY and JANETHLI.

Those 3 also wanted to talk to me after lunch.  I had them write it out.

I don’t know how the office deals with all this crap.

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Filed under behavior, classroom, playground, Students

Inclement Weather

We had another inclement weather day, all day, even though the pavement was dry (for the most part) and the sun was out at lunch.  We did a 20-minute “walk and talk” after lunch since the students weren’t allowed to run on the blacktop.

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Filed under classroom, playground, Students

Another Rainy Day

For having 2 rainy days in a row, the students have been on pretty good behavior.  I wasn’t expecting rain today, and since it was Tuesday, I had to make a quick dash to Rubio’s to get lunch.  Kelly went with me, she drove, and we made pretty good time.  Jiji at the end of the day was nice.

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Filed under behavior, classroom, teacher


We started testing. It’s the new “Smarter Balanced” testing. It looked hard. I think it’s harder to read longer passages on the computer than it is to read them from a hard copy in front of you. I felt bad for the kids. Some were overwhelmed.

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Pizza Party

My class was the upper grade class that raised the most money for our Pennies for the Cure fundraiser.  That meant we got a pizza party.  The class still went through the lunch line, but then went right back to our classroom, where 2 pepperoni and 1 cheese pizza was waiting for them.  I even got half a sausage and artichoke pizza for myself.

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Filed under activities, classroom, Students, teacher

Drinking Fountains

Here’s my problem.  I’ve just finished some PE, and my class is tired and thirsty.  I sit my class down at the lunch tables near the drinking fountains, and I let a few go at a time to get a drink.  That way they don’t get restless and into trouble while waiting in a long line.

Then another teacher finishes PE and just lets her entire class run over and get a drink.  Now the lines are very long, and my students have to be in the back of a long line.


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Filed under activities, playground, Students, teacher