Tag Archives: end of the year

Gold Rush, 2011

We had a lot to do the morning of, but got the town all set up, thanks to the help of a few parents and students.

The kids did a great job singing, and especially square dancing.  It was a very fun atmosphere.  After we got all the classes seated at the stage, many of the parents came down to take pictures, so we just hung out for a short while.  After the play/singing, the kids quietly went to their dance spots, and did great!  You could tell they were having fun.  And you could tell the parents were enjoying watching their children perform.

After the square dancing, everyone hung out a bit more while parents came over to take more pictures.  Lots of pictures student with teacher.

We said goodbye to the parents and went back up to our classes to let the judges do their thing for the costume contest.  I had Wilbur and Suzy as my winners.  Wilbur had an authentic bandana to go with the rest of his cowboy gear, as well as an authentic lasso.  Suzy had an pink, frilly old fashion dress.

Then we went down to the Boom Town.  The kids loved it.  Jason worked at the saloon playing cards and pouring root bear.  Kids were getting “married,” playing horse shoes, getting a “shave,” dressing up, and going to jail.  Not to mention getting free pie.

The parents really helped in the boom town.  All we teachers had to do was stand around and chat.  It was really nice.

A half hour before lunch the classes went up, while Amy, some parents and I stayed back to help the custodians clean up.  After lunch I went back to finish cleaning up.

After school Amy and I made floats for the 4th grade teachers and custodians.  A great ending to an exhausting, but fun, day.

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Busy at the End

The last week of school is incredibly busy, but especially this year, as most of the teachers are closing down their classrooms/school and changing classrooms.

And the last day of school is the worst.  It is so nice to finish the year, and say goodbye to your students.  I always tell my students that I will miss them, and that I hope that they say hi and come and visit me next year.  I also warn them that I am sure I will forget their names, and to please forgive me, and still to say hi.

But after they leave, that’s when the clock starts ticking.  We have to sign up for a check out time.  This year I picked 3:15.  I don’t know why.  It always takes me forever to get out of there.  But it was also the last time available by the time I saw the sign up sheet.

I skipped lunch, and worked on my cums.  Did that in almost 2 hours, sorted them and all, then walked across the street to bring some food back.  At on the way back, and then back to my room to get things moved/cleaned.  My check out time came and went, and I was not ready.  At around 4:30 I got my VP to come on over and check me out.

I finally got the okay to leave, turned in my keys, and headed home.  It is always so nice to finally get in the car and leave for the summer.  That last day is a mad scramble to get things done and to get out of there.  I’m glad it’s over.

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Filed under classroom, Students, teacher

Kickball 2010

The annual staff v. 6th graders kickball game was today.  Wasn’t my year this year.  One good kick that was caught in the outfield, then a couple pop flies.  One low kick that got me onto 1st.  But it was a fun morning.  The staff won, again.  Everyone did the “Hokey Pokey” afterward.

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Filed under activities, playground, Students, teacher

The Home Stretch

The end of the year is coming quick, and this year seems a bit more crazy then usual.  I think it’s because almost everyone is changing classrooms.  That means, on top of giving end of the year tests (language arts, math, writing, and fluency), filling out report cards, completing cums and A1 cards, most of the teachers (including myself) have to take everything down off the walls, pack up all the cupboards, and move to a new classroom.  Plus I need to test my oral language group, which means keeping my entire class occupied while I meet 1 on 1 with each student for about 10 minutes per student.

So there’s a lot to do.  My room is a mess.  Some cupboards are cleared out, others are not.  Most of the stuff that has been cleared out is outside my new classroom, which means later I will have to put those things away.  See, no one can completely move until there new classroom is cleared out, but that teacher can’t completely clear out until that teacher’s new room is cleared out.  Do you see the dilemma?

I couldn’t stay as late as I wanted because our main line is backing up.  So I had to take this morning off to meet the plumber.  Tonight is Sarah’s graduation dinner, so I can’t stay too late tonight.  I guess I can stay until midnight Friday to finish report cards/move.

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Filed under classroom, Students

Open House – Part II

Leaving Open House, and getting home from it, are two great feelings.  Walking to your car, with all the other teachers heading out doing the same, leaves me with a feeling of accomplishment, of achievement.  I’ve gotten through another Open House.  I put on another successful show.  But getting home feels great.  I never go home between then end of the half day a school, and the event.  There is usually too much to do, and if I happen to be ready enough, I just worry too much while I’m at home.  So I stay, get my work done, and hopefully enjoy a very casual, stress free, early dinners.  So by the time the night is over, it has been a long day.

I think this year’s Open House was good.  I think I had about 25 families show up, but more than that, I had about 5 former students come by to say hello.  One was in 10th grade, and apparently making really bad decisions (baby on the way and in a gang).  Another was a 22 year old I had when I taught 2nd grade at Price.  I totally remembered her for some reason .  It turns out she is the oldest sister of a current student of mine (I had the two girls’ brother in between having the two of them).  I had 2 students who are now juniors in high school, and apparently doing well, with plans to go to college.  And then I had 2 girl who I had 3 or 4 years ago.

It’s always pretty fun to see former students.  But when they are young adults, it’s just weird.

* * * * *

It’s always good to get Open House over with, for a couple of reasons.  The first (and they are in no particular order) is that there is always a push with teachers to get new, good work up on the bulletin boards.  That means pushing your students for their best work, and then taking down all their old work and putting up new work.  And teachers usually put more art work, and work in general, up on the boards.  So we’re jamming art, writing, and math all over, in every space we can find.

Another reason is that once Open House is over, it seems the end of the year is finally in sight.  All year long you look for the State test, and prep for that.  Once that is over, it’s the big push for Open House.  Now that that is behind us, we can finally look towards the end of the year.  But it’s going to be a busy 3 weeks.

In a couple of days we have the all-school Olympics, which my class has not prepared for at all.  Then the week after that is Gold Rush, which we are way behind in.  We are going to have to practice singing, dancing, and doing the play a lot these next 10 or so school days!  And then some time around then there is our report card prep day.  Once that hits, I’ll be busy after school for about 3 hours, for at least 3 days, and probably more.  Then there is a whole list of little things that need to be done before the school year ends (literally, we are given a list), all of which take time and energy.  By the time that last half day of school rolls around, it feels so good to get it over with.

I think we’re planning root beer floats after lunch on that day, just like last year.

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Filed under activities, classroom, playground, Students, teacher

Things to Do

The end of the year is coming quick.  Things I need to do (in no particular order):

Figure out Club Ape prizes, Fluency, Benchmark L.A., Writing, and Math Test, input benchmark test results, Reflections paper, for my principal, Bulletin Boards for Open House, Writing for Open House, Translate my report cards, Do my cums, Insurance audit papers put together, and make certificates for Gold Rush winners.  Plus, we still have to get ready for Gold Rush, which is on Friday.

Hmmmmm, I think that’s it.  I’m FREAKIN’ OUT!

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