Tag Archives: Jenny

The I.E.P.

We had Jenny’s big IEP on Friday.  I counted 8 people there for our “side,” not including our principal, who had to be in and out of the meeting.  By the way, most IEP’s have the teacher, the RSP teacher, and maybe one more person.  The extra people at our meeting were the lawyer, the district program specialists, the psychologist, and others.

The meeting was scheduled to go from 9 till 12:30, so I needed a full day sub.  It started with going over the year and seeing if she met all her goals, which she did.  Her families lawyer asked me a few questions about Jenny’s abilities, but nothing too difficult.  I don’t think there were any questions about her being difficult in a regular education classroom.

So after going over last year’s goals and Jenny’s accomplishments, we took a break and then went over her new goals for next year.

The meeting went pretty smoothly.  No big arguments or differences of opinion.  They agreed to reduce her time for math in RSP.  The lawyer and mom even signed off on the new IEP, which they have never done without reviewing it and signing it at a later date.

Overall, the psychologist (who ran the meeting) and the principal were very pleased with the way the meeting went.  They both said I handled myself well, but honestly, I only said a couple of things.  We were all glad to get the meeting over.

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Filed under parents, Students, teacher

Jenny’s Biggy

Jenny’s annual IEP is coming up, and it’s a biggy.  All the lawyers will be there, on both sides.  People are already losing sleep.

It’s crazy.

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Homework Meetings

Jenny’s mom insists on them once a month, just so she can see what’s coming up.  My school uses it as a chance to see what’s going on with her, and to see what she’s worrying about.  It’s rarely about homework, though I come prepared with what I’ll be covering for the next month.  I think I was only asked once about it so far.

Jenny’s mom want to make sure Jenny’s aide reads the homework paragraph for Jenny before Jenny goes home.  If there is enough time, that is.  Mom wants to make sure the math is explained.

Funny, Jenny’s best subject is math.  I would think mom would want to make sure the language arts is explained.  But apparently Jenny gets frustrated easily when she’s reading the paragraph for homework.  Well, you know what?  Jenny, even with her autism, reads a lot better than at least a third of my students.

In a couple of weeks we have our second big I.E.P. with her parents and all the lawyers, and all the district personnel that comes with.  I know our speech teacher is already losing sleep because of it.  It will take about 4 hours.  I have to have an all-day sub so I can attend.  The RSP teacher is also getting stressed about it.  The pressure is more on them, so I’m less worried.

Don’t worry.  I’ll be plenty worried when the time comes.

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You know I have a special needs student in my class, Jenny, right?

Our district bows down to her, because she has lawyers who tell her what her child needs.  Make sure you understand that.  Her lawyers tell mom what her daughter needs at school.  What she deserves.

The Wednesday before Spring Break we had an awards assembly.  The day before, when I sent notes home for the parents of the award winners, the students found out who was getting the awards.  Jenny asked why she never wins an award.  I casually told her that many students haven’t won an award yet.

Jenny’s mom complained that we weren’t comforting Jenny enough (we being my assistant and I).

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Filed under parents, Students, teacher

New Student, Part III

I got a new girl today.  I always worry when they come in that they won’t speak English.  So when they are fluent, I am so happy.  This girl does.  Her name is Jenny.  I put her in the smallest table, and I just happened to put Daisy there yesterday.  Daisy is new, but she is fitting in so well, and has made so many new friends already, and is such a good influence on the people around her.  Everyone likes her.  So Jenny got to sit close to Daisy, and between Daisy and the rest of the table, they really made Jenny feel at home.

Turns out Jenny’s reading comprehension is very high.  Her fluency is at grade level, and her comprehension very high.  Good for her!  Good for me!

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